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Heat Vulnerability App

Custom web app created for the Minnesota Department of Health to highlight the parts of the state that will be most impacted by climate change.

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My boss took me to a meeting with the Minnesota Department of Health and promised them we could create a custom web app to understand the distribution of climate vulnerability throughout the state. I was pretty sure putting the datasets together shouldn't be too bad, but I had no idea how to create the web app.

As we walked back to the train after the meeting, I told him sheepishly that I didn't know any JavaScript. "I know" he said. "But you'll learn." I think about that day all the time. About the trust my boss placed in me, and about how he helped me get to the point where I could create the app that the Department of Health wanted.

This project also served as a reminder that for any non-trivial work, there's no such thing as "putting the datasets together shouldn't be too bad." Because of my lack of domain expertise in climate science, I made a significant error in relying too much on a single model, instead of using the mean of a set of models. Fortunately, MDH flagged some suspicious results, and I was able to get advice from the Minnesota State Climatology Office on how to correct the data.